Meet the Team
As Paul has said in 1 Timothy 1:5, “The goal of our instruction is love...,” and because of love we pursue the filling and empowering of the Holy Spirit (1 Cor. 12:31–13:3), fanning into flame the gifts we were given for the benefit of others, and the good news of Jesus Christ and His Kingdom.
Michael Wadlow
Father and husband, Michael was Born in W. Berlin, Germany and raised in Martinez, CA. He grew up attending Evangelical Free and Baptist Churches. Blessed with a close, christian family, he was well loved and supported. Yet, Michael struggled a great deal with rejection, which eventually led to a life away from church, couch surfing and eventually living in a garage without a home.
In 1993 Michael moved from the Bay Area to Magalia, CA, and then Chico where, several years later, at age 25 he had a personal encounter with the Lord on the way home from a bar—his first conscious encounter with the voice and presence of God. That night he was delivered from bondage and totally made new.
Already casually attending a church, Michael began to attend the weekly prayer meeting where he was nurtured and mentored in his relationship with the Lord. It was in this community that he was introduced to an interactive relationship with God the Holy Spirit, and also a journey to explore His gifts. Only a short time later, he met Amy at a college water ski weekend. In 2002 they were married and now have a son named Kaenan.
Alan Cockrell (AL)
Al Cockrell grew up in Chico, CA blessed to be raised in a typical all-American, Southern Baptist family. He met his wife, Deb, at a Southern Baptist college and embarked upon the path of a typical Christian adult – involved in the local church, helping others in community service, and feeling fairly content with his life.
Then, through a series of random incidents, God began to get his attention. He discovered there was more to living life in Christ than just showing up at church and keeping a list of moral guidelines.
Following a 20 year argument with God about serving in missions, Al and Deb broadened their spiritual perspective by serving for almost a year and a half at a remote mission hospital in Africa. Then in 2008, God stepped up His call another notch by allowing events that nudged Al in the direction of attending Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry in Redding, CA for two years where Religion was finally broken off his life. The realization of who he was created to be as a son of God began to be manifested in his life and in his spiritual walk.
He now feels his calling is to inspire and encourage other believers to not only seek to experience God at a deeper, and more full, level but also to grow to understand and live out what it means to be a redeemed and set apart son or daughter of the most high God.
Veronica Wilkins
First and foremost Veronica is a Daughter of the King and passionate lover of God. She approaches all of life with her whole heart, playing full out in everything she does. She was born and raised in Chico, Ca. and loves Jesus. Veronica’s life is full of saying Yes to the Lord's leading.
Veronica and her husband Kurt have been married for 21+ years and have three kiddos, Kaitlin, who joined their family a few years ago, is a nurse, wife and mom, Cooper, who is an athlete currently playing sports in high school and Taylor, who is a singer and helps lead worship in her youth group.
Veronica is a strong business women, leader and mentor. She is passionate about family, community, the local church and the supernatural working of the Holy Spirit in the lives of everyday believers.